Yes, it is a nice view of the hotel’s back yard.
Obviously attendees and some of the speakers who were done after the first day had a few places to relax and not even leave the hotel grounds. No this is not the view from my room unfortunately but it was a place were many of the conference speakers were able to “unwind” for an hour or so before heading to the attendee party. All the little red and blue dots in the upper right hand corner of the image is where the attendee party was held.
It was a good unwind time before the attendee party. Emer McKenna, Michael Herman and I sat at spoke of books, PowerShell and other topics. Robert Bogue soon joined the group. Lawrence Liu and I had a lengthy discussion about SharePoint, the SharePoint community and the “Social” in the enterprise. All an all great time before we headed down to the Attendee Party where food, drink and BlackJack, Roulette and other Vegas Night games were already in full swing.
Obviously there are a lot of nice things about having Connections in Orlando but I thought the view from above displayed one of those nice things that most never get to see.
While the image above is a great view of a great room. Don’t confuse this view with the view from my room:)