The SharePoint community is growing rapidly. I spend way too much time while at the same time, not enough time watching what is new in the community. At one time, it was not too much effort to keep an eye on the newsgroups, books, lists and web sites that were out there. Now I can barely keep up to date with the blogs.
To that end I plan on attempting ( you know how blogging can be) to post some of these links that I run across – a virtual SharePoint Community Road Trip if you will. The community us large and contains many different types of media such as books, newsgroups, blogs and video to list a few. I hope that whoever “joins” the roadtrips finds some good information hidden out in the community. Hopefully we all will learn a little by taking a roadtrip. Feel free to use the Contact link if you see something in the community needs a blurb.
So starting with the basics, today’s community link is: SharePoint Services Technology Center .
The SharePoint Services Technology center is Microsoft’s home page for WSS. You will be able to find a lot of good information about WSS including links to case studies, downloads and other WSS/SPS related sites. If you are new to WSS then this is the site to start to understand what WSS is and how it is being used. The one item that the SharePoint Services Technology Ceneter does not have is an RSS feed so I think you should make sure to visit this site every now and then because MS keeps updated links to their new WSS-related information .