SharePoint Community Road Trip – Day 12

Today we are going to be heading over to what I consider one of the best training groups for SharePoint. When I started this road trip I had decided that community to me did not generally include company sites that are business-driven. Many of them tend to throw out “community” information and content to simply get you to their site for business purposes. I consider this stop a little different – yes this company does run a business but they consistently make a strong contribution to the SharePoint community and see the community as more then a sales reference list. Today we head over to Mindsharp.

Mindsharp is co-owned by Bill English and Todd Bleaker both whom I know and have great respect for. The owners and their educators and employees consistently support the community from not only their web site but though speaking engagements, books and articles, blogs and a listserv . Yes they do put in courses for SharePoint among other MS products and if you get a chance to attend I think you will find your time well spent but while I am hear this week I am going to look around at the “free” stuff. I am sure Bill and Todd will not mind if you join us and have a look around. There actually is a lot of stuff here so I will start to wonder around and let you know what I find over the next few days . If you joined us on the virtual SharePoint Community Road Trip feel free to get out of the roadster and wonder around as well – here’s the door: , just check back now and then and compare notes with what we find.