Category: Other
I caught this little gem (Update-Gac.ps1) on the PowerShell Team blog while I was catching up on posts. This script will Ngen the PowerShell assemblies for a quicker start …
Many of you probably have seen Daniel Larson speak at one or more SharePoint conferences and know that he is big into Ajax. Daniel’s newest book from MSPress – …
Instant Karma for taking a break from work to attend Tech Ed 2008.. Return my “office” which is affectionately known as the Data Center to find the R & …
Yes, I have been patiently waiting for two must have gadgets 1. 8 Gig portal laptop – not one the size of an ice cream truck. 2. Solid State …
In the last couple of months I finally upgraded my Dell XPS M1330 from 2 GB to 4 GB and what a difference it makes! Yes, since I am …
Finally got around to creating my new basic Dev virtual machine. Right now I am doing most of my development using a single Virtual PC machine running Windows Server …
I stumbled across this today – Microsoft Surface – computing on a surface . If you like gadgets you got to like surface computing, its worth the click to …
Editor’s Note: The Spanish-only download issue noted in this post appears to been addressed and is no longer an issue. Want to try Microsoft Office 2007 products? Microsoft has …
Admittedly the stack of books I grabbed for the Books and Legos post was not my most recent wave of books. As I look over to the shelves I …
Those of you who really know me know that always in the middle of more than one book. Books are a kind of hobby for me. Recently I picked …